إمارة عجمان
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إمارة عجمان
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إمارة عجمان
اعلانات الاستقدام العمالة
300 إعلان
منذ 10 ساعات
Looking for house help she know how cooking, babysitter full time part time cleaning in hours also available any time contact me
منذ 10 ساعات
I have an Ethiopian housemaid for taking care of children, cleaners & Arabic foods. full time or part time have good Experiances in UAE please contact me by this
منذ يوم
If you need housemaid, for part time work, please contact me
I am an Ethiopian citizen I have a person or employee who works as a cook cleaner, and babysitter I speak Arabic and English and have many years of work experience in the United Arab This number call me
منذ يومين
Hello everyone we are housemaid. we have experience long time if you need contact weth us thanks
منذ يومين
I have Ethiopian housemaid looking for work experience cooking cleaning and baby care if you need full time or part time please contact me what's up or call
منذ 3 أيام
If you want housmades clinging cooking and babysitting call me
منذ 3 أيام
We have works males cleaner with ID visit visa how need works males contact me
منذ 5 أيام
Ethiopia households are provided with cooking and cleaning and where clothes and child care and all households chores thank you and please contact us at
منذ 5 أيام
We have Ethiopian labors in united Arab emirate with full experience and fresh by all jobs like drivers with full experience, salesman full time and part time
منذ 7 أيام
Kasif Safdar technical LLC If anyone needs, labour supply, carpenter, steel fixer, we have team. Please contact me on below
منذ 7 أيام
If you need housemaid, for cooking and cleaning and baby are full time and part time please contact me
منذ 9 أيام
Ama labour supply for workers for differnt jobs in UAE. we do recruits workers from outside and inside UAE for differnt job we we have housemaid, cleaners, parkaging work, office work, helper and profesiton both ladies and men. contact my number if you need workers in your campnay or housemaids. they are ready to work all
منذ 11 يوم
I have housemaid Ethiopian lady cleaning, cooking, baby sitter and all position full time and part time if you want call me chat with me in
منذ 11 يوم
I have Ethiopia House maids looking jobs foll time And part time cleaning cooking and babe sitters Experience 2 & 4 years salary 1500 & 1800 speaking Arabic and English if you need contact WhatsApp and call me
منذ 11 يوم
We have a maid house from Ethiopia with experience in the UAE 4 & 5 years who knows how to cook taking Care of children and cleaning salary 1000 - 1200 - 1300 - 1500 & 1800 this number call me
منذ 12 يوم
My name is mariam. I have many labour from Ethiopia helping jobs they are looking helper job own id and visit visa labour available with me male and female house holding jobs'cleaning, cooking, take care of baby all in house working jobs inside home helper female and outside for male for more information contact me
منذ 12 يوم
If you want housemaid full time and part time contact me
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يطلب عمل سياحة ومطاعم في إمارة الشارقة الإمارات
أنا عندي عاملة منزلية أثيوبيا متوفرة للنظافة والطبخ والتربية الاطفال بخبرة في الامارات وأخلاقها طبية اتصلوا على هذا الرقم