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found in Shared housing For Trade in Emirates
37 days ago
مسكن شعبي قديم في بني ياس أبوظبي شرق 9 للتبادل مع أي مسكن شعبي في أي منطقة من مناطق مدينة أبوظبي. للتواصل عبر
Shared housing For Trade
Instagram moroujuaetv/ magiclandtv - partiess, We have Inflatables Game, Slide Water, Popcorn, Cotton candy, Ice Cream, Crepe, Hot dog machine, Potato twirl, Sweetcorn and we also have Clown (balloon twisting and Games) Face painting, and Magician
No overstate Looking for a housemaid for cooking and cleaning. Salary AED1300 if she can fully cook Arabic food. Dubai, Barsha this job for female
We have domestic workers from Ethiopia, cooks specializing in Emirati food, and new domestic workers for assignment. Female workers from outside the country can be recruited within two weeks of booking at reasonable prices. Domestic workers can be provided on a monthly basis. All workers are good at housework, cooking or cleaning, ironing clothes, and taking care of children and the elderly