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found in Shops For Trade in Emirates
2 days ago
Shop in Sharjah Muwailih. Equipped coffee shop with tables, chairs, shelves and distinctive design. Spacious area, store and bar. Fully ready shop
Shops For Trade
Chef grill and butcher looking for a job
Cleaning Company door to door hiring Female cleaner salary AED1200. with a free accommodation and WiFi Gas company looking for experienced in Dubai International City House to house cleaning job hiring at Abu Dhabi branch company Dubai International City
We provide cleaning services. Foors are sweeping, disinfecting, and mopping Wiping surfaces Wet - vacuuming, dry - vacuuming, and steam - cleaning carpets Removing harmful mites and pet hair. House Cleaning Carpet & Tile Cleaning Windows Cleaning Deep Cleaning Ironing Washroom Cleaning. House Cleaning Carpet & Tile Cleaning Windows Cleaning Deep Cleaning Ironing cooking and baby care