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Villas and houses
To Rent Villas and houses
Ajman Emirate
To Rent Villas and houses in Hamidiya
1 ad
by owner
32 days ago
مطلوب فيلا للإيجار في مناطق المواطنين الجرف مشيرف الرقايب الحميدية بحدود 80 ألف
To Rent Villas and houses
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Looking for nail specialist hair stylist Please submit your CV and share this to your friends who looking for job. Fujairah the grey beauty center Hamad Bin Abdullah st
We Have good quality experience of workers inside UAE for cleaning, Building and Helper of Any Job with good affordable price
Senior electrical engineer residing in the UAE with 8 years of experience, 7 years in the UAE and one year in Egypt, I have DEWA, DM and Sharjah Municipality am a member of the Emirates Society of Engineers, I have a certificate equivalency from the United Arab Emirates, UAE Driving License, I work on projects at the MOEI, DPW, and private and government projects, thank you for contacting me