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Shared housing For Rent
Shared housing For Rent in Sharjah Emirate
1,368 ads
1 hour ago
Housing for employees only in the Al - Qulayah area, Sharjah, quiet and clean housing, for young people, housing prices start from 550 dirhams per bed,500 dirhams per bed,600 dirhams single bed 650 double bed, quiet and clean housing, free parking within 24 hours, everything is included, services are available next to the Saudi German Hospital, behind Emirates Hospital The European is beh
Shared housing For Rent in Sharjah
1 hour ago
Mawjud sakan fi mintaqat alshaariqat alqalieat lilshabab sakan hadi wanazif shamil kula shay'asear alsakan tabda 650 dirham 600 dirham 550 dirham 500 dirham min almalik mubasharatan bidun eumulat sakan shamil alghaz walkahraba'walmiah walaintirnit altakyif markazay mawaqif alsayaarat majaaniatan mutahatan 24 saeatan qarib ealaa jameiat alshaariqat altaeawuniat janb mustashfaa alamarat 500
Shared housing For Rent in Emirates Industrial City
2 hours ago
Arab staff housing is available in Al Qalaa area. Single bed is available for 650 dirhams/ 650/ 650/ 650 dirhams. Room 4 beds for young people. All services available. Fast internet. Central air conditioning. All services available in the house. Behind the Supreme Council for Women in Sharjah. Behind the Sharjah Cooperative Society in Al Qalaa area. Behind the Saudi German Hospital. Behind the Emirat
Shared housing For Rent in Sharjah
1 hour ago
Arab data housing is available in the Al Butina area. The price of the bed is 550 dirhams only, and the price of the bed in the room is 600 dirhams after the discount. Quiet and clean housing, inclusive of all services, gas, internet, electricity and water, next to the Sharjah Cooperative Society, opposite the Emirates European Hospital. Prince, all services are available near the bus station. Th
Shared housing For Rent in Sharjah
1 hour ago
Available Sharing accommodation, Sharjah, Al Qalaa, behind the Sharjah Ladies Club, behind the Cooperative Society - behind the Saudi German Hospital, next to the Emirates Hospital. Sharjah, all inclusive (gas, internet, electricity - daily cleaning water) Free parking 24 hours All services 24 hours 3 minutes walk from the Corniche Available prices (500 & 550 & 650) 600) only directly from the own
Shared housing For Rent in Sharjah
1 hour ago
Sakan shabab mutah fi mintaqat alqalieat faqat sakan huduyiyun wanazif yashmal kula shay'aintarnit sarie takyif markaziin ghaz tabieiin qarib ealaa kurnish alshaariqat aljadid janab mustashfaa alsaeudii al'almanii janab mustashfaa alamaratii al'uwrubiyi janban'iilaa janb taeawun alshaariqat Jimi alkhadamat mutawafirah mawaqif alsayaarat mutawafirah khilal 24 saeat yabda'asear biad almufrad eal
Shared housing For Rent in Al Qulaya'ah
Shared housing For Rent in Al Sharq
1 day ago
Apartment available. Divided into 9 rooms. Girls only. First resident. In Al Majaz 2. Intifada Street. Room Prices start from 900 to 1200 depending on the area. It has a large 3x4 meter kitchen. It has an 11 meter balcony. It has 2x2 meter rooms. It has 150*280 rooms. And an 80 cm closet. And a 200*90 cm bed. And 120 cm corridors. And a 2x2 meter bathroom. And a 17
Shared housing For Rent in Al Majaz
Shared housing For Rent in Sharjah
13 hours ago
Barchanat for rent monthly closed with air conditioning
Shared housing For Rent in Muwailih Commercial
Shared housing For Rent in Sharjah
18 hours ago
Mutawafir sakan fi alshaariqat alshabab alearabiu sakan yashmal kula shay'asear al'asear tabda min sier 700 dirham 650 dirham 550 dirham 500 dirham min almalik mubasharatan bidun eumulat sakin yashmal kula shay'alkhadamat qarib ealaa almustashfaa alsaeudii al'almanii qarib min mustashfaa alamarat janb jameiat alshaariqat taeawuniatan sayaarat majaaniatan khilala) 24 saeat kuli alkhadamat alkahr
Shared housing For Rent in Emirates Industrial City
18 hours ago
Mutah alsakan fi alshaariqat shabab almuazafin sier sakan li'awal marat almufrad lilsayidat 650 dirham biad aldubal taht ealaa 550 dirham alshiriyr dubal fawq alqimat 500 dirham biad ealaa 600 dirham sakan shamil kuli shay'takyif markaziin daem alsayaarat mjanaan khilal 24 saeat Jimi alkhadamat almutahat khalf almajlis al'aelaa alshaariqat janb mustashfaa alsaeudii al'almanii janab
Shared housing For Rent in Emirates Industrial City
18 hours ago
Tutih sakan shabab fi alshaariqat alqalieat alshaariqat'asear tabda min 700 dirhami,650 dirhami,550 dirham 600 dirhama, min almalik mubasharatan bidun eumulat sakan khafif wanazif lilshabab lays sakan eumaal Jimi alkhadamat basit takyif markazay ghaz waintirnit wakahraba'wamiah Jimi alkhadamat basit bawakin sayaarat khafifat 24 saeatan fi'ayi waqt yaqae khalf almajlis al'aelaa fi alshaariqat
Shared housing For Rent in Al Qulaya'ah
Shared housing For Rent in Al Sharq
18 hours ago
Housing is available in the Sharjah Al - Qaliya area, housing includes everything, services, housing prices start from 650 dirhams,550 dirhams,500 dirhams,600 dirhams, housing that includes everything, gas, electricity and water. And clean for all staff communication
Shared housing For Rent in Sharjah
18 hours ago
Sakan mushtarak mutawafir lilshabab alearabii sakan lilmuazafin faqat'asear alsakan tabda 560 dirham 650 dirham 600 dirham 550 dirham 500 dirham sakan shamil kuli shay'Jimi alkhadamat mutawafiratan mawaqif alsayaarat majaaniatan khalf nadi alsayidat alshaariqat qarib ealaa mahataat albas khalf mustashfaa alsaeudii al'almanii khalf jameiat alshaariqat altaeawuniat khalf mustashfaa alamarat sakan
Shared housing For Rent in Emirates Industrial City
19 hours ago
Youth housing available in Al Qalaa area for employees only. Quiet and clean housing that includes everything. Fast internet, central air conditioning, natural gas. Close to the new Sharjah Corniche, next to the Saudi German Hospital, next to the European Emirates Hospital, next to the Sharjah Cooperative Society. All services are available. Parking is available 24 hours. Single bed prices start a
Shared housing For Rent in Sharjah
18 hours ago
Mutah sakan lilshabab fi alqalieat lilmuazafin faqat'asear khayaliat tabda 550 dirham 650 dirham 500 dirham 600 dirham bidun eumulat min almalik mubasharatan sakan hadi wanazif lilmuazafin sakan shamil kuli shay'kulu alkhadamat mutawafiratan takyif markaziun ghaz tabieiin aintarnit sarie kahraba'miah mawaqif alsayaarat majaaniatan ealaa madar 24 saeat mutawafirat qarib ealaa kurnish alshuwkat a
Shared housing For Rent in Emirates Industrial City
23 hours ago
Available master room or bed space or partition for ladies quiet and comfortable Sharjah gamal Abdul Naser St behind Double Tree Hotel in good prices
Shared housing For Rent in Sharjah
2 days ago
Shared accommodation in Sharjah for girls only in Al Jubail (seafront) Comfortable and safe accommodation in Sharjah, in a prime location on the seafront and near the (Al Jubail) bus station and Al Jubail Market. 600 dirhams, including all bills
Shared housing For Rent in Al Jubail
Shared housing For Rent in Sharjah
1 day ago
Sakan mushtarak lilmuazafin fi muhafazat alshaariqat sakan hadi wanazif lijamie alshabab alearabii sier alsarir alfardii fawq 650 dirham sier alsarir almuzdawij'aqala min 550 sier alsarir almuzdawij fawq 500 dirhami. sier alsarir almuzdawij fawq 500 dirham hu 600. alsakan shamil Jimi alkhadamat almania khalf mustashfaa alamarat al'uwrubiyi khalf almajlis al'aelaa lilsayidat alshaariqat qarib min
Shared housing For Rent in Emirates Industrial City
Good evening, Thank you for connecting At Rich Pro by Will & Rich, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to simplify your life in Dubai. Here's how we can assist you Our Services Renewal of family residence visas Renewal of individual residence visas Entry permits (within the country) Entry permits (outside the country) Visa cancellations (within and outside
We have domestic workers from Ethiopia, cooks specializing in Emirati food, and new domestic workers for assignment. Female workers from outside the country can be recruited within two weeks of booking at reasonable prices. Domestic workers can be provided on a monthly basis. All workers are good at housework, cooking or cleaning, ironing clothes, and taking care of children and the elderly
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