Registered nurse. Graduate of 2022, MP as a bedside nurse, then a charge nurse, then a supervisor, and in some JCI hospitals as a clinical trainer, such as the Saudi German Hospital, Cairo branch, and Al Salam International Hospital. I have experience in the heart care center for 3 years after graduation, but I learned from the time of study, the practical experience is 5 years
- Seeking Work in Medicine and Nursing (16)
10 days ago
15 days ago
Egyptian nurse with two years of experience in intensive care and elderly care. I have a license to practice the profession in Egypt
20 days ago
دكتور خربوش عبد الرؤوف طبيب متخصص في جراحة العظام من الجزائر خبرة أكثر من عامين، جراحة العظام وتقويمها، علاج الالتهابات الصديدية، التقرحات، الجروح العميقة والمتعفنة، علاج القدم السكري ومتابعته، علاج كسور الاطفال
24 days ago
I am Sami Muhammad, a graduate of a technical nursing institute in Egypt. I work in a government hospital in the intensive care department
25 days ago
مساعد صيدلية خبرة 7 سنوات في الصيدليات أجيد التشخيصي OTC ومعيه شهادة فني تمريض خاص