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21 days ago
مطلوب موظف شرط حسن السلوك والمظهر للعمل في مجال الخدمات الالكترونية يشترط وجود خبرة في مجال الخدمات الالكترونية وخدمات النسخ والتصوير وخدمات الطلاب عامة الراتب 2000 ريال شامل البدلات مدينة العمل في المنطقة الشرقية الاحساء مدينة العيون حي وسط العيون الدوام الصباح الساعة 8 دوام رمضان من بعد صلاة الظهر خروج الإفطار العودة بعد صلاة التراويح خروج الساعة 1 / 30
Professional Civil Engineer with 9 years of experience in construction and office works. Proficient in administrative work and expert in executive and supervisory work. Fully familiar with the Saudi Building Code and its updates. Worked on designing many projects according to the Saudi Code. Designed more than 140 projects during the various stages of the process and work
Ramah Mahmoud Sudanese Nationality Computer Science Graduate (Information Technology) Project Management Training Courses Excel Proficient in Computer Programs (Microsoft Office + Word + Excel) Practical Experience Administrative Training Supervisor Administrative Supervisor Marketing Administrative Employee Public Relations and Marketing Employee Traffic and Operations Management Officer
We have workers and cleaners under 30 years old. There are restaurant cleaners, cafe cleaners, residential hotel cleaners, supermarket cleaners, car wash workers, and factory workers. If you need people, contact us